Depleted, Fractured Limestone, Libya
Overview Geology: Mature Formations, Low PressurePressure Gradient: equivalent 4.5 ? 5.0 ppg @ 5,500 feet. Previous Wells drilled with low density fluids, underbalanced drilling (UBD Problems Experienced Lost circulation Lost circulation during cementingDifficulty with logging and using measurement while drilling (MWD)High Risk of
AphronICS: Lake Maracaibo, Area Lagomar, Venezuela
Overview Geology: Mature Formations, Low PressurePressure Gradient: 0.16 a o.20 psi/ft @ 6,000 feet. Equivalent: 2.4 - 3.9 ppgWells Drilled with Aerated Mud: VLA-1271, VLA-1278, VLA-1283, VLA-1285, VLA-1289 and VLA-1291Density Equivalent with Aerated Mud: 4.0 ppg Problems Experienced Unstable borehole due shales,